In November 2019, the Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians created the Chicken
Ranch Economic Development Corporation (CREDC), a wholly-owned for-profit Section 17
federal corporation. The corporation is designed to augment non-gaming investment,
employment opportunities, and economic diversification for the Tribe.
The goals for CREDC are:
Employment & Empowerment to employ as many Chicken Ranch Rancheria of
Me-Wuk enrolled members, other Native Americans, and surrounding area residents as
reasonably possible – empowering employees with a living-wage, on-the-job training,
and career opportunities.
Financial Self-Sufficiency to utilize the profit from business operations to
financially support Tribal Government programs, CREDC operations, and future
investment activities. Profit is needed to self-fund all future business creation, retention,
attraction, and expansion activities; and to pay corporate dividends to central government
for essential government services.
Diversification to develop a structure that utilizes and leverages land, labor, and
capital investment into businesses and industries that are commercially viable on and off
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